Strategicing in the Public Sphere

strategy tactics strategizing planning sense rationalization categorical imperative strategic objectives goal setting strategic principles uncertainties reductionism discounting regenerating problems definitive power initiator and generator


Why does the quality of strategic decisions drop despite the increase of strategic projects in the public sphere? This study reveals the weaknesses of the traditional intuitive reductionistic understanding of strategizing that reduces it to long-term planning. A deductive concept derived from philosophical axiology is developed instead. Thus, from one point of view strategy appears as a supreme sense in the context of Kants' categorical imperative. When compared to the tactical and operational management, strategy proves to be a value-selected ideal for the distant future the common sense of which is being further developed in socially constructed more specific meanings that finally reach the state of end goals of strategic importance. All this creates the basis for a positive attitude towards the uncertainties used as opportunities rather than risks that should be avoided. The strategy is not a preliminary plan as usually considered but rather a permanent “cascade“ of rationalization of 1) the overall behaviour of organizations and 2) the process of optimizing the knots of constant problems specific to certain sectors of social life within the global environment of a certain historical period. On this basis, strategic goals’ nature is determined as well as the way they are formed, the process of strategic planning and 12 principles of strategic management, compliance with its performance and efficiency.