Vol. 15 No. 3 (2024) : Economy, Politics, Policy
February 202523 tags:Bulgaria terrorist financing strategic approach strategic mistakes Merkel Germany EU youth participation critical thinking intergenerational dialogue leadership stakeholders public acceptance economic development projects demographic public policy demographic problem population Eurozone Currency board convergence preference subjective value economic theory -
Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024) : Policy: Theory and Practice
January 202527 tags:E-government Greek public administration reform coronavirus pandemic National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability Total Quality Management School Management School Effectiveness Secondary Education public governance public consultations stakeholders regulations pre-school and school education регионална политика на ЕС европейска идентичност идентификация с ЕС банален европеизъм good governance public interest public policies interest discussions about the use of the concept of interest in sociology, psychology, political and administrative studies principal contemporary controversies about the concept of interest ethnoreligious cleavages ethnopolitical conflicts ethnocultural identity RN Macedonia -
Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024) : Grand strategy and policy
May 202431 tags:constitutional professional moral legal valuable change management patterns of change Change House Model planned chang Risk-based Approach standards money laundering Total Quality Management School Unit Education Improvement. Serbia Saudi Arabia BRIKS Non-Aligned Movement Yugo-nostalgia Strategies conflict collaboration polarities management democratic governance Errors Gaps Failures Downfalls
Vol. 14 No. 4 (2023) : From Localism to Detetiorialization
May 202428 tags:strategic culture crisis culture Bulgaria effectiveness accountability civil sector non-profit organizations competence leadership behavior competence framework success profiles dual training adults on-line survey employment University 4.0 outreach impact community engagement deterritorialization eurozone convergence territorial state governance strategy public administration management administration -
Vol. 14 No. 3 (2023) : Policy: Theory and Practice
January 202423 tags:strategic planning direction of time strategic deficit taxonomy of goals reflexivity in management dual VET digitalization online survey information and communications technology adaptation urbanization smart cities Natural based solutions Bulgaria youth policies proposals party platforms political parties innovative public procurement public procurement innovation pre-commercial procurement innovation partnership -
Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023) : Economy, Politics, Policy
May 202329 tags:износ на хипофизни жлези социлистически период България renewable energy source national recovery and resilience plan climate change european green deal nudging environmental performance eu financial programs leadership emotional intelligence leadership process income inequality meritocracy political instability social cohesion budget expenditures public finance Bulgaria currency board inflation banking sector war bureaucracy radicalization Ukraine Russia -
Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023) : Public Management
April 202328 tags:volunteering volunteers civil engagement individualization reciprocity administration responsibility efficiency subordination accountability публично управление предучилищно и училищно образование глобална криза horizontal policies, coordination, advisory councils multilateral crisis digitalization administrative services tax administration leadership leadership deficit political environment political crisis social change Social responsibility best practices public politics organizational redesign public management
Vol. 13 No. 4 (2022) : Strategy and Policy
April 202329 tags:statism election programs parties elections energy politics administration public management human resource management hris hrm hrms hr practices business performance strategy performance appraisal peer appraisal civil service competences National Recovery and Resilience Plan renewable energy green economy Common Agricultural Policy еuropean agriculture agriculture innovation food products consumption security -
Vol. 13 No. 3 (2022) : Public Administration in a Global Crisis
April 202334 tags:performance appraisal leadership management team effectiveness higher education strategic governance “Good Governance” stakeholders networks public administration liberalism to statism reforms Greece budget process effectiveness transparency strategic management human resources management competitive advantage business performance strategy crises economic globalization public policy administration digital transformation digitalization public policies digital democracy digital authoritarianism web democracy wicked problems challenge for the administration society -
Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022) : Health Policy
April 202270 tags:civil society organizations nonprofit sector in healthcare patients organizations professional organizations pandemic crisis management decision payments additional payments to medical institutions public healthcare crisis management drugs shortage supply chain hospital–associated infections patient safety quality of medical care quality management covid-19 organizational culture inequalities public expenditures on health pandemic healthcare finacing government institutions trust vaccination organization access outpatient medical care questionnaire survey public opinion analysis postponed care covid-19 pandemic access to health services chronic diseases health inequalities financial analysis of hospitals altman z-score assessment of financial stability of hospitals economic assessment healthcare outcomes measurement health priorities limited health resources need problem solving effective choice health policy market finance investment health stroke stroke prevalence stroke burden stroke prevention fast test здравеопазване политики за задържане медицински специалисти човешки ресурси публични политики здравна бедност неравенство здравна политика криза анализ на здравната политика издръжливост на здравната система -
Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022) : Public Governance After the 2020: What Do We Know When We Know Nothing
April 202236 tags:потребителски организации организации с идеална цел потребителски права активизъм стандартизация етикетиранепотребителски права етикетиране competence leadership behavior framework of competencies theory of expert leadership public management state knowledge triangle innovation административно-териториални реформи общински разводи общински сливания европа българия цени на производител потребителски цени клъстeрен анализ public hospitals management organizational procedures organizational learning employees satisfaction customers satisfaction rule of law eu political economy state capture czech republic corruption central and eastern europe democratic backsliding
Vol. 12 No. 4 (2021) : Holocaust remembrance policies
April 202230 tags:anti-semitism academic education media Judaica religious art looting spoliation cultural historical heritage Bulgarian Jews salvation deportation World War II policy of memory denial and understatement of the holocaust national holocaust remembrance day the “return dignity” project holocaust remembrance memory policy bulgarian jews ihra holocaust jews rescue memory interpretation labour camp law for the protection of the nation yad vashem evaluations education -
Vol. 12 No. 3 (2021) : Policy: Theory and Practice
July 202131 tags:National Assembly Politics Modernization Rearm Program Investments Finance Plan Armed Forces Army Government Domains human rights ethnocide trauma right to truth reconciliation restorative justice truth and reconciliation commission employee performance organizational justice citizen satisfaction greece justice belief in a just world sensitivity to justice education system fair assessment good governance public administration fairness ethical framework in public administration -
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021) : Administrative Fairness
June 202128 tags:EU enlargement policy Europeanization accession conditionality Bulgaria cluster wine tourism business conception geopolitics China Russia Central Asia South Asia Southeast Asia Democracy power institutions referendum citizens civil society gun-control public policy crime rate law effects intentions and results regulation covid pandemic institution of society fairness in modern society -
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021) : Labor, Money, Constitutions and International Policy Making
January 202119 tags:constitutional politics the rule of law judicial reforms accountability of the prosecution european standards civic engagement and mobilization postmoney postmoney theory cryptocurrencies marginal utility value function central bank digital currency monetary policy financial intermediation payments negative interest rates division of labor adam smith economic theory
Vol. 11 No. 4 (2020) : Policy: Theory and Practice
December 202036 tags:inter-municipal cooperation ISA strategic management win-win coupled strategies in a common strategic process game theory higher education strategy higher education development strategy interactions networks strategies stakeholder networks e-services COVID-19 public administration reform e-government marketing healthcare marketing marketing exchange needs wants demand healthcare market healthcare services marketing process demand of healthcare bound governance public services citizens bulgarian administrative reform public service quality of public service re-engineering russian federation kazakhstan -
Vol. 11 No. 3 (2020) : Economy, Politics, Policy
October 202021 tags:higher education strategy strategic management national map interactions networks strategies stakeholder networks competency frameworks digital competence performance appraisal capital market primary public emissions Bulgaria fiscal policy economic crises economic regional integration reforms rural regions rural area -
Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020) : Security - Thematic Issue
July 202029 tags:International Relations International Security Foreign Policy Analysis Foreign Policy Crisis Management crisis management defense policy Armed Forces employment European Union defense capabilities defense industry European Defense fund Rearmament Defence policy Industry policy Defence Management Rearmament Program Defence Governance Defense Defense Policy Srategic Management War Military management Armed Forces legislative support Neuilly Peace Treaty national power consequences -
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020) : Policy: Theory and Practice
June 202031 tags:municipal mayors party elites local decentralization pandemic national state solidarity charity giving crowdfunding education higher education development strategy public policies social integration administrative capacity financing talent management competency frameworks key job positions performance appraisal social institute characteristics functions institutional relations higher education equity inclusion disadvantaged groups public policy framework administrative police public economic law legal culture
Vol. 10 No. 4 (2019) : Public Sector Reforms
November 201933 tags:refugees refugee crisis eu policies on migrants and refugees regulations impact assessment energy energy sector performance appraisal systems 360-degree feedback peer appraisal job description competences regulation impact evaluation milk industry milk production regulation capture motivation public administration human resources management regional policy regional government institutional reform public strategic management organizational learning core procedures citizens services oriented citizens satisfaction efficiency effectiveness public interest assecassment of activities local government -
Vol. 10 No. 3 (2019) : Stabilization and Reforms in the EU and Eastern Europe
November 201916 tags:management in public organizations total quality management models tools of public administration hrm evaluation hrm results organizational performance tqm models caf self-assessment hrm practices employees' satisfaction citizens' perception public administration administrative system public services regulation north macedonia -
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019) : Economy, Politics, Policy
February 201913 tags:foreign development aid planning the structure of incentives aid inefficiency reform of foreign aid business tendency survey expectations confidence indicators business climate index business conditions index corruption perceptions sme ukraine -
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019) : Impact Assessment - Thematic Issue
January 201924 tags:family law expropriation Inter-municipal cooperation ex ante ex post drug dependency prevention history of drug dependency prevention policies in Bulgaria impact assessment of drug dependency prevention policies in Bulgaria regulatory impact assessment policy evaluation pilot studies rule of law independence of the judiciary impact assessment constitutional reforms European standards social capital political culture staff and staff attestation social impact assessment social impacts equality equity policy benefits
Vol. 9 No. 4 (2018) : English - Problems of Regional Development
January 201913 tags:impact assessment public policy decision making regional disparities regional policy multidimensional scaling strategic thinking ecodevelopment econeighborhoods brownfields regeneration southern europe greece -
Vol. 9 No. 3 (2018) : Theory and Practice
January 20194 tags:кризисната комуникация ефективна кризисна комуникация политически партии модели за управление на кризисната комуникация -
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018) : The Theory and Practice of Public Administration
June 201838 tags:local authority local government self-government decentralization local finances participation of citizens in government Public Policy Public Policy Analysis Policy analyst Governance Analysis cycle regional policy policy evaluation framework of evaluation public values defining and classifying public values public values’ fulfillment as a leading criterion for public administration evaluation strategy tactics strategizing planning sense rationalization categorical imperative strategic objectives goal setting strategic principles uncertainties reductionism discounting regenerating problems definitive power initiator and generator публични политики инструментална рационалност общности на политиките мрежи на политиките, управление на политиките -
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2018) : Convergence of public policies
May 20184 tags:populism offence for the Institutional Roles (Policies) populist strategy parliamentary crisis
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2017) : Policy: Theory and Practice
July 201723 tags:public policy Advocacy Coalition Framework public policy subsystem policy communit public policy network offence for the Institutional Roles (Policies) populist discourse executive power judiciary prevention policies policies aiming at preventing drug abuse court managers effective performance management in judiciary system administration civil society non-governmental organizations local authorities municipal administration municipal council public policies xenophobia effectiveness efficiency racism -
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2017) : Practices, Civil Sector
April 201731 tags:competences public policies youth organizations trust institutions Energy NGOs Civic Participation Public Policies Good Governance civil society non-governmental organizations local authorities municipal administration mu-nicipal council local policies Public policy European policies New institutionalism Europeanisation path dependency policy learning Open method of coordination public administration organizational trust organizational culture employee motivation публична администрация организационно доверие организационна култура мотивиране на служителите
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2015) : Theory and Practice
June 20156 tags:public policy European Employment Policy active policy Open Method of Coordination windows of opportunity policy community
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2014) : Politics and Policy
March 20144 tags:Open Method of Coordination employment benchmarking “soft” law
Vol. 3 No. 3 (2012) : Doctoral Issue
January 201211 tags:услуги от общ интерес либерализация политика европейски общностен модел държава институция ефективност администрация омбудсман добро управление гражданско общество
Vol. 2 No. 4 (2011) : Policy: Theory and Practice
October 20115 tags:социална политика въздействия на политиката оценка индикатори за оценка политика на оценка -
Vol. 2 No. 3 (2011) : Policy and governance
July 20114 tags:фокусиран върху актьорите институционализъм изследване на взаимодействия в процеса на политиките теория на игрите енергийна политика на ЕС -
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2011) : Public Policies
May 201111 tags:публични политики осъществяване на политики заинтересовани страни бизнес публична полза инструменти на политиките доверие Благополучие Качество на живот България в ЕС Сравнителни анализи