Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020): Policy: Theory and Practice

June 2020
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020) : Policy: Theory and Practice
Politics and Policy
Administrative Police in the Public Economic Law – Theoretical Perspective in the Polish Law Doctrine
administrative police public economic law legal culture -
Public Policies in Support of Broader Access and Attainment of Higher Education
higher education equity inclusion disadvantaged groups public policy framework -
After the Local Elections in Bulgaria in 2019 - A Profile of the Municipal Mayor
municipal mayors party elites local decentralization
Theory and Practice
The Social Institute in Social Theory and Practice (Theoretical-methodological Aspect)
social institute characteristics functions institutional relations -
Talent Management in Administrative Environment
talent management competency frameworks key job positions performance appraisal -
Strategies for Roma Integration – Between the Myths and Governance Realities
higher education development strategy public policies social integration administrative capacity financing -
From Silistra With Love: How 16-year-old Students Built a School in Ghana
pandemic national state solidarity charity giving crowdfunding education